Tutors - Education HTML Template

Tutors – Education HTML Template is a cleanly designed free education, coaching, online school, academy website. You can furnish your online education institutions website with this free educational Bootstrap HTML template.
Tutors education HTML template brings 05 main pages. These unique pages are homepage, about us page, courses page, blog page and contact us page.
Tutors neat and clean education website is built with HTML5, CSS3 and W3 validate code. Additional, Sass and Bootstrap use has made it super-easy and lightweight.
Moreover, google font, working ajax contact form, W3 validate markup language are some super-cool attributes of Tutors education template.
Tutor education HTML template is fully cross-browser compatible. It runs superbly in any renowned variant of browser of the market.
Tutors got a top-notch Homepage design. We added latest courses section, category-wise sections and an additional testimonial section in the bottom.
Moreover, presentation of the courses is amazingly done. Course thumbnail, price and title with the customer rating are shown in the grid view.
Use the contact page to connect your students or clients. In the blog section, you can publish blogs. This SEO friendly education HTML template encourages you to publish regular blogs to attract more people to this site. I recommend you to publish productive and informative blogs on a regular basis.
Tutors free education Bootstrap template is full-free for the clients. We ensure lifetime updates as well. So, install Tutors – Education HTML Template and enjoy the ease.